Homemade Pizza

Homemade Pizza

Pizza is THE most popular treat all across the globe and with the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine time home everyone is trying to avoid eating outside. Well, you convinced your mind to do so but what about your cravings? It wants what it wants. Well, why not make the most popular treat at home right.

I have said this before and I will say it again, I am good at confectionery, not bakery but the pizza I made yesterday completely changed it. Perfect thin crust with a crunch, amazing texture and honestly like the one you eat outside. I always try to make my recipe as simple as possible and trust me this is the recipe that will not fail you at all. Made the most out of the weekend with this amazing slice of extra topping, extra cheese pizza, what are you waiting for? Happy Baking.


Homemade Pizza

Homemade Pizza

Crispy thin crust topped with veggies, Italianherbs and a lot of CHEESE!!!
Prep Time 30 mins
Cook Time 22 mins
Proofing Time 3 hrs 30 mins
Total Time 4 hrs 22 mins
Category Breads
Difficulty Easy
Calories 0.3 kcal


To activate Yeast

  • 12 gms Active dry yeast (3 tsp)
  • 70 ml Lukewarm water (5 tbsp)
  • 4 gms Refined Flour (1 tsp)
  • 4 gms sugar (1 tsp)
  • 5 ml Oil (1 tsp)

For Dough

  • 500 gms Refined Flour (4 cups)
  • 30 gms Milk powder (2 tbsp)
  • 8 gms salt (2 tsp)
  • water for kneading (as needed)

Toppings (as per preference)

  • Cheese
  • Italian herbs
  • Veggies
  • Sauces


  • Start by activating the yeast. I have used the instant dry yeast but feel free to follow the same step for other types of yeast. Take yeast in a glass, add lukewarm water to it, stir it. Add refined flour, Powdered sugar, and some oil in it, exact measures for activating mentioned above. Note: Avoid using yeast with bigger grains, it is harder to activate.
  • Stir the mixture and keep aside for about 5-8 minutes. It will bubble up
  • Take refined flour on a working surface and make a well. Add salt and milk powder on the edges.
  • Now add the activated yeast mixture in the center and start forming a dough. Add water in between and mix till you form a dough. Now start kneading it till it all comes together.
  • Add oil to the bottom of the surface and roll again, it will be stickyat first but don't add refined flour and keep kneading it, it will cometogether into a soft dough
  • Transfer dough into an oil-coated bowl and cover it from the top and letit rise for 1 hour or till it doubles in size.
  • Remove the dough, knock the air out and roll into small balls and start making a thin sheet in a non-stick dish, if you don't have a non-stick dish, simply apply oil to the bottom of the dish and start rolling in it.
  • Once rolled, poke holes in it, apply sauce, put herbs and top with some cheese and let it bake at 190 degrees for 20-25 minutes, keep checking in between if it has turned crispy.
  • Remove, cut into slice, do some cheese pull for the gram and enjoy.


Note: Avoid using yeast with bigger grains, it is harder to activate.
Keyword Italian, Pizza, Thin crust
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